Member since Jul 17, 2013


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Re: “Feedback - 07-17-13

It must have been a slow week for Bill McCoy's remarks to be deemed interesting enough to print, but far be it from me to criticize one who appears so cultured.

In the spirit of being a good sport, the answer to his questions are as follows:
1. Such a term depends on the particular franchise; infected, turned, and countless others have been used over the years. Since WWZ comes from Max Brooks, meaning that the condition is a result of the Solanum virus, "infected" would probably be the be one to use here (though the military refers to them as "Zac" in the novel, similar their use of "Tango"). There's this great little thing called "Google" that would have answered this for him.
2/3. No more than the same amount of brain matter lost while watching television. If we grant that watching "Two and a Half Men" leads to a loss of the sense of humor (or at least lowers it to the most basic level) and watching "CSI" leads to the loss of imagination in general, then I suppose an argument can be made for this. However, I can't imagine Mr. McCoy will want to walk this path since he appears to watch television a great deal. How else could he have seen the advertisement enough times to warrant this level of disdain toward something he's never seen (or read if you include the book. Reading, what a novel thought!).

I understand that fostering discussion is the goal here, but comments like this don't actually help do so. There are better things to talk about than listen to a grown man complain about a subjective entertainment outlet that has no bearing on reality.

Posted by Dan.Bish on 07/17/2013 at 1:49 PM

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