Andreas Rau 
Member since Sep 13, 2013


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Re: “Parker expects Duffy to apply for RBA leadership

Did anyone NOT see this happening, despite everything Parker and Duffy have been saying to the contrary for months?
The ladies were protesting too much, too frequently. Anything even approaching their integrity and credibility has long since gone up in smoke.
So, tell me again: why is this story even newsworthy?
It certainly isn't surprising.

11 likes, 10 dislikes
Posted by Andreas Rau on 06/05/2014 at 2:51 PM

Re: “Should Richards keep campaigning?

Ahhh, but RaChaCha, was there even a Primary Election for either of those other two parties?
And I had no idea that Presbyterians were a political party!

3 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by Andreas Rau on 09/13/2013 at 9:25 PM

Re: “Questions raised by Lovely Warren's victory

Frankly, if Richards continues his campaign, it will divide Rochester's Democrats even further. It also means that Richards will depend heavily on Independents and Republicans to win re-election...and the Republicans ran a surreptitious "Republicans for Johnson" campaign during the "special election."
As for what happens in City Hall once Lovely is elected, she need look no further than Richards' predecessor, Bob Duffy, for what to do. He cleaned out City Hall entirely, and that included replacing Cedric Alexander with David Moore as police chief.
As for Lovely's connection to David Gantt, what about Richards' connection to Bob Duffy?

7 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Andreas Rau on 09/13/2013 at 5:21 PM

Re: “Should Richards keep campaigning?

No, Richards has been rejected by the majority of voters in the Democratic Primary, something he has feared since 2010!
Richards was appointed deputy mayor by Bob Duffy thirty seconds after re-registering as a Democrat, the sole purpose of which was for Richards to succeed Duffy on Rochester's mayoral throne.
Richards then demanded a "special election" to avoid a Democratic primary. There were several prominent Democrats in Rochester with that lean and hungry look, eying the mayoral throne. The "special election" nipped their ambitions in the bud, but Richards won with less than 50% of the popular vote.
In January 2013, Duffy tried to warn Lovely away from running for mayor, once again to avoid a primary election that would show Richards was just not all that popular with Rochester's Democrats.
This is exactly what happened when Lovely refused to back down.
Despite running her campaign on a shoestring, Lovely's people did get out the vote and soundly trounced Richards in the Primary Election this week. Richards' people were either lulled into a false sense of security by the two Siena Polls or they really lacked conviction in Richards as mayor to bother to come out to the polls in full force, which would have settled this argument once and for all.
Instead, Richards is mulling over the option of continuing his campaign, to try and get a second bite at the apple.
Richards ought to know when to quit, because his continuing to campaign in the face of his defeat at the Democratic Primary will simply mean that he never took his conversion to the Democratic Party seriously. It was simply a case of political expedience, and his continued presence in this campaign will split the Democratic Party in Rochester.

13 likes, 6 dislikes
Posted by Andreas Rau on 09/13/2013 at 5:07 PM

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