Member since Mar 18, 2015


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Re: “Climate change: How to frame the discussion

Animal agriculture: if you don't include this in the discussion you're ignoring a vital piece. Also a vital peace.

6 likes, 13 dislikes
Posted by crueltyfreeeater on 11/04/2015 at 6:58 PM

Re: “SPECIAL EVENT | Seeing Animals through Different Eyes

How about seeing animals through their eyes? To be caged or behind bars or in a tank for your whole life . . . that's what we call a jail. It is no different for them. If education is the excuse, or saving animals, then only house those that need saving: the sick, injured, disabled. One can not learn about animals in a zoo any better than one could learn about humans by staring at one in a cage.

8 likes, 1 dislike
Posted by crueltyfreeeater on 06/11/2015 at 7:32 AM

Re: “Building a better zoo

The zoo should not be prison to animals that should otherwise be free. The should also not serve animals as food. The irony with the only reason a 'zoo' might need to exist is to help animals who might otherwise go extinct. The irony? The eating of animals is one of the prime reasons animals go extinct. If the zoo would not serve animals on a plate and if people would not put animals on their plate, there would be no reason for a zoo at all.

Rain forests are cut down or burned at rate of 80,000 to 200,000 acres per day and much of the reason is for animal agriculture, a place to graze animals or to grow food to feed the animals that people eat. Millions upon millions of acres in the United States are used to graze cows or to grow food for cows. These lands were once home to an abundance of biodiversity. Now they are home to monocrops of genetically modified corn and soy, a diet not even suitable for a cow which is why they are fed antibiotics (another problem). Millions of tons of animal waste lay ruin to waterways and areas that once were biodiverse. Overfishing where 7.3 million tons of dolphin and other animals that people do not eat are thrown away, dead as by-catch. All of this mass destruction for a hot dog or a hamburger that is not even healthy to eat anyway.

If we did not eat animals we would reduce the amount of land needed to grow food by a staggering amount.

The whole problem with a zoo is the problem in general: Valuing the life of one animal over another. By serving one animal on a plate but valuing the animal in the cage because it might go extinct is the problem. That animal might have its habitat intact if we valued all life. By valuing only some life, we devalue it. We are the threat. The only way to solve the problem is not by building a zoo. It is by actually valuing animals, not just some animals, but all of them.


10 likes, 13 dislikes
Posted by crueltyfreeeater on 03/18/2015 at 2:51 PM

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