Mr. Spock 
Member since Apr 14, 2018


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Re: “Candidates file for Congressional races

And goodgrief, you sadly misunderstand journalism and its importance to democracy. It is a public service and it requires policy knowledge. Reporters like Barnhart demonstrate their depth every day.

6 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Mr. Spock on 04/15/2018 at 11:22 PM

Re: “Candidates file for Congressional races

Barnhart is quote flitting. No, this is not gendered at all! You reveal yourself with the language you use to describe her and other women.

Nixon, Barnhart, Perez-Williams, Balter and women all over the country are running for office based on their extensive life experiences. The two women candidates to replace Morelle have also never held elected office. Our founding fathers didnt want a class of ruling elites. To suggest women with degrees from Dartmouth, Cornell and Barnard, who have been engaged in their communities and impacted their communities, are not qualified is indeed gendered. To know that Democrats attack women in this way is sadly not surprising. Take off your pussy hat and look in the mirror.

When Barnhart was in high school, Morelle was forging petitions.

By the way, what women has Morelle mentored to get elected? What percentage of his staff is female and minority? Remember that time he told a woman he didnt believe she was raped and the guy went on to rape someone else? Elect the women.

7 likes, 3 dislikes
Posted by Mr. Spock on 04/15/2018 at 10:57 PM

Re: “Candidates file for Congressional races

Why is it that when women run for office, they are puppets (Warren/Gantt, Nixon/Diblasio, Barnhart/Gaddy), vain, ambitious (Gillibrand) and ego-driven?

Morelle, a corporate Democrat who sold his soul, has actively worked to defeat women. He thinks he deserves this seat. He isn't ego-driven?

All of the candidates are qualified and have their strengths. Barnhart has spent her life fighting people like Trump and exposing truth. Let's not denigrate women because you don't like them and think they don't know their place. Have Democrats learned nothing?

Running for office takes courage. In NY24, two Democratic women are running who have never held office. One recently lost the mayoral race. Celebrate what they're doing. Doing things the same way led to Trump.

13 likes, 8 dislikes
Posted by Mr. Spock on 04/14/2018 at 8:43 PM

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